
The Apparition of 27 Mainway Prologue

I told them, I told them, I told them but no one believed me. Mom, Amara, Amanda and Tarirai all ignorantly brushed me aside yet I was genuinely informing them that their nerves would soon be exposed to phantom energy.
The very day we moved into 27 Mainway, I heard something move in the night. I vehemently hold to the belief that I saw a shadowy figure glide in the backyard, look at my window and disappear into the night. I was so scared that my blood almost boiled with trepidation and raw fear. No one believed me though. They all blamed my obssession with ghost hunter programs for the “illusions” and ignored my story. Even Tariro who used to be a loyal believer of my stories did not route for me. They said it was a hallucination (Amanda obviously came up with that because she loves showing everyone just how learned she is).

The backyard was a large, bushy area with thick undergrowth that made it hard to manoeuvre. I felt that a snake encounter might be the best thing that could befall anyone in that creepy patch as I expected worse. Two weeks after seeing the shadowy apparition, I still wanted to prove my family wrong. I took to the bushes of our backyard to see what was really behind the colossal 27 Mainway. Amanda had hammered it into everyone’s mind that I had seen a tree and my overactive imagination had simulated a gliding animation of an android et cetera et cetera. She had left me dumbstruck with the showy words and I failed to dispute. I just nodded to protect my pride and prevent a lecture on the importance of education. I had had enough of those. I wanted to rescue my pride though and proving that there was no tree of similar proportions to what I saw would obviously refute Amanda’s insults about schizophrenic dementia (whatever that is).

She was a faint hologram with a glow that was exaggerated by the sunlight. Her presence made my hair stand erect (or at least that is how I felt). I tried to fight the natural urge to speed in retreat but I found myself literally flying over the thick undergrowth towards the house. I had told them. Exactly two weeks after the first glider, I saw another supernatural figure. We had moved from the maddening crowd of Rochester suburb to the phantoms of 27 Mainway. Ghosts are so much fun in films but direct confrontations will make even the finest of men wet their pants. Of course I am a fine man but I could not stop the waters of fear from gushing. (I hope the ladies do not hold that against me!) I had to change my pants before anyone saw me but lo………….

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